

Born in Ancona on 22 October 1964

Enrolled in the Register of Chartered Accountants and Accounting Experts of Ancona under no. 372/A since 12 January 1996.

Enrolled in the Register of Statutory Auditors with D.M. 12.4.1995, published in the Official Gazette, supplement no. 31bis - Special series of 21.4.1995.

Technical Consultant to the Judge.


Professional Training
Degree with honours in Economics and Commerce from the University of Ancona in 1989.
Specialisation course on listing processes - V Edition, year 2012, Borsa Italiana S.p.a.

Area of Professional Expertise
Business consultant, expert in Corporate Law, Tax and Bankruptcy.
Co-auditor of the Delegated Judge at the Court of Ancona, he has gained significant experience in insolvency proceedings, carrying out the functions of Bankruptcy Trustee and Judicial Commissioner on behalf of the Court of Ancona, as well as those of Financial Advisor arranged with creditor procedures at the Courts of Ancona, Macerata, Fermo, Pesaro, Urbino and Forlì.
Member of the Boards of Statutory Auditors of companies of regional and national importance.

Italian, English

Role in Studio Trapanese

Professional Experience
Studio Trapanese (from 2016 to present)
Studio Mancinelli (1996–2015)
Fincoal Scrl (1992-1995)
Price Waterhouse Spa (1990-1992)




Born in Chiaravalle (AN) on 12 August 1978

Enrolled in the Register of Chartered Accountants and Accounting Experts of Ancona under no. 693/A since 9 January 2009.  Enrolled in the Register of Statutory Auditors with D.M. 31/03/2009, published in the Official Gazette, supplement no. 37 dated 15/05/2009.

Technical consultant to the Judge.


Professional Training
Degree in Economics and Commerce from the Marche Polytechnic University of Ancona in 2004.
Bachelor of social science (1st level degree) from Växjö Universitet (Sweden), 2001.
Master in International Taxation at the Business School of "Il Sole24ORE", year 2011 - 2012.

Area of Professional Expertise
A business consultant, expert in tax law (domestic and international) and corporate law.
The professional activity carried out includes corporate consultancy, both national and international tax consultancy also relating to IAS adopters, consultancy in the field of extraordinary finance transactions, the drafting of rulings and other deflationary tools for litigation, as well as tax appeals. He has also gained significant experience in the field of Patent Box.
Member of the Boards of Statutory Auditors of joint-stock companies and holder of auditor positions.
He has held important positions such as liquidator of joint-stock companies and is the trustee of bankruptcy proceedings.
Author of numerous publications on the subjects of financial statements, company law and corporate taxation. A speaker at university and professional seminars on tax matters.
Effective member of A.N.T.I (National Association of Italian Tax Authorities) Marche section - Abruzzo delegation within which he has held the role of secretary since 2021.

Starting from the A.Y. 2019/2020 is the holder, at the Polytechnic University of Marche, of the post of teaching support for the teaching of "Business Economics" at the Degree Course in Economics and Commerce of the Faculty of Economics "Giorgio Fuà", also collaborating in the “Corporate Audit” course.


Italian, English

Role in Studio Trapanese

Professional Experience
Studio Trapanese (from 2016 to present)
Studio Mancinelli (2005–2015)




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